Roma women active, equal and recognized in the community.
We are a feminist organization which through activism, knowledge and specialized services empowers Roma and other minority women to live without vipence in Vojvodina.

Association of Roma Novi Becej was founded in 1999. So far, trough active work we had implemented 47 projects, worked in 45 Roma settlements in Becej, Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Novi Knezevac, pd Becej, Milosevo, Kumane and Bocar. Total of 6 000 Roma women and around 2 000 children had passed trough our programmes. We are actively invpved into implementation process of the Roma Decade in Serbia. Also actively working on gender sensitivity of the Roma Decade advocating adoption of gender sensitive local action plans, especially local action plan for Roma women on our and neighbouring municipal territories. We also actively participate in the process of drafting the Shadow report on CEDAW convention implementation in Serbia.

Activities of our Association are divided into 6 groups.

The first group of activities are psychosocial workshops in the field with Roma women and other minority women that cover various areas of women`s lives and work.

The second activity je is SOS Phone line on minority languages (Romany, Hungarian and Romanian).

The third activity is Legal Aid Service that provides free of charge legal aid, but also represents Roma women and other minority women in courts related to issues of domestic vipence, institutional discrimination and racists attacks.

The fourth group of activities is is related to informative activities that aim to inform Roma women and their families.

The fifth group of activities covers area of supporting strengthening of small Roma`s groups and organisations and spreading Roma women’s activism primarily on the territory of Vojvodina, but also coordinating activities of the Roma Women’s Network of Banat and membership in the Roma Women’s Network of Serbia.

The sixth group of activities is area of advocacy and working on improvement of institutional mechanisms for advancing status of the Roma national minority in Serbia emphasising specific position of Roma women. This group of activities invpves activities of advocacy on local, provincial, national, but also European and International levels.

Strategic goals of the Association of Roma Novi Becej for the period 2021-2023

Strategic goal 1:
Roma women and other disadvantage women receive better support from domestic violence and violence in partnership relations

Strategic goal 2:
Roma girls and adolescents and their families supported to fight against early, child marriages.

Strategic goal 3:
Improvement of Roma women’s position (focusing on Roma women survivors) in areas of education, employment and health.

Strategic goal 4:
Roma women actively use and protect their rights.

Strategic goal 5:
Strengthening the capacities of the organization.



Udruženje Roma Novi Bečej
Djure Jakšića 29
23272 Novi Bečej, Srbija
+381(0)23 774-959
+381(0)23 775-843 (Fax)