For all interested experts:
Association of Roma Novi Becej is publishing the ToR for the evaluation expert for the three year UN Trust fund /UNWOMEN grant. Details in the attached document as well as the application procedure.
ToR for the evaluation expert for the three year UN Trust fund /UNWOMEN grant
On this day in 1944, 3,000 Roma - mostly women and children - were brutally murdered in the dark of night in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Remembrance remains essential to honoring the victims and ensuring that such crimes do not happen again.
Roma Women’s Network of Serbia under the framework of the campaign “Month of Roma Women’s Activism had organized the public standing in Belgrade on March 21st, 2023, on the occasion of the International Day against Racism. Activists of the Association of Roma Novi Becej as member organization of the Network had participated in the event.
Romska ženska mreža Srbije je u okviru kampanje “Mesec romskog ženskog aktivizma” organizovala javno stajanje u Beogradu, 21.03. 2023. godine povodom Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv rasizma. Aktivistkinje Udruženja Roma Novi Bečej, kao članice Mreže su učestvovale u ovom dogadjaju.
Association of Roma Novi Becej representing the Roma Women’s Network of Banat, under the framework of the campaign “Month of Roma women’s activism” had organized on March 20th , 2023 in Media Centre in Belgrade the Conference on the occasion of the International Day against Racism. Topic of the Conference was the problem of femicide, status and rights of marginalized groups in Vojvodina with the accent on elderly Roma women and men.
On the occasion of the campaign „Month of Roma Women’s Activism“, Danica Jovanovic had been the speaker in the tv show INFOROM on the radio-television Pancevo.
The definition of violence against women by United Nations documents
Violence against women is a manifestation of historically unequal social relations of power between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of the full advancement of women. Violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced to be in a subordinate position compared with men. Violence against women is an obstacle to the achievement of equality, development and peace.
Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women , UN General Assembly Resolution 48/104 of December 20th1993. & Beijing Declaration - Platform for Action , para. 118 UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, in 1995. & Resolution 54/134 of the General Assembly of the UN 1999, when the UN adopted the 25th November as the International Day Against Violence Against Women
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA / Prohibition of discrimination / Article 21
Under the Constitution and the Law, all are equal.
Everyone has the right to equal protection of the law without discrimination.
Any form of discrimination, direct or indirect, on any grounds , particularly based on race, sex, nationality , social origin , birth, religion , political or other opinion, property status, culture , language, age or mental or physical disability is prohibited.
Denying human rights on the basis of race, based on the idea that some are races superior to others.